豪尔赫·格伦德曼: 长笛作品集

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Gili Schwarzman规格: 6首流派: 古典发布: 2022-09-23公司: Sony Classical


著名长笛演奏家吉利·施瓦茨曼、钢琴家爱德华多·弗里亚斯和大提琴家托勒夫·塞德恩都在这个丰富的节目中亮相。在《Concert for Flute and String Orchestra Op.31》中,吉利·施瓦兹曼与盖·布劳斯坦和纳瓦拉交响乐团共同合作,无可挑剔。


1.Concerto for Flute and String Orchestra “On the Back of a Nightingale”, Op. 31: Concerto for Flute and String Orchestra “On the Back of a Nightingale”, Op. 31, No. 1
2.Concerto for Flute and String Orchestra “On the Back of a Nightingale”, Op. 31: Concerto for Flute and String Orchestra “On the Back of a Nightingale”, Op. 31, No. 2
3.Sonata for Flute and Piano, Op. 18 “Warhol in Springtime”
4.Trio for Flute, Chelo and Piano in, Op. 43 “De la Hermosura y Dignidad de Nuestras Almas”
5.Sonata for Flute and Piano, Op. 77 “Lagerfeld in Winter”
6.Duo for Flute and Piano. Op. 82 “Tan Bonita Como Tú “


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