柴可夫斯基: 芭蕾舞剧《胡桃夹子》

本文共1248个字,预计阅读时间需要4分钟 发布时间: 2024-08-5 共60人阅读

Adolfo Gutiérrez Arenas, Josu De Solaun

规格: 25首
流派: 古典
发布: 2022-08-24
公司: Ondine


这张专辑由俄罗斯著名指挥家米哈伊尔·普列特涅夫(Mikhail Pletnev)和俄罗斯国家管弦乐团共同演绎柴可夫斯基的《胡桃夹子》。这部俄罗斯管弦乐的杰作创作于1892年,是柴可夫斯基最后的主要作品之一,也被广泛认为是他艺术作品的最高成就。


02.Act I Tableau 1Decoration of the Christmas tree
03.Act I Tableau 1March
04.Act I Tableau 1Children’s galop and entry of the parents
05.Act I Tableau 1Scene dansante
06.Act I Tableau 1Scene and Grandfather’s Dance
07.Act I Tableau 1Departure of the guests – Night
08.Act I Tableau 1The battle and transformation scene
09.Act I Tableau 2The forest of fir trees in winter
10.Act I Tableau 2Waltz of the Snowflakes
11.Act II Tableau 3The enchanted palace of the kingdom of sweets
12.Act II Tableau 3Arrival of Clara and the Nutcracker
13.Act II Tableau 3Divertissementa. Chocolate – Spanish Dance
14.Act II Tableau 3Divertissementb. Coffee – Arabian Dance
15.Act II Tableau 3Divertissementc. Tea – Chinese Dance
16.Act II Tableau 3Divertissementd. Trepak – Russian Dance
17.Act II Tableau 3Divertissemente. Dance of the Toy Flutes
18.Act II Tableau 3Divertissementf. Mother Gigogne and the clowns
19.Act II Tableau 3Waltz of the flowers
20.Act II Tableau 3Pas de deuxThe Prince and the Sugar-Plum Fairy
21.Act II Tableau 3Variation 1Tarantella
22.Act II Tableau 3Variation 2Dance of the Sugar-Plum Fairy
23.Act II Tableau 3Coda
24.Act II Tableau 3Final waltz
25.Act II Tableau 3Apotheosis



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